
Confirmation of Pregnancy, Fetal Morphology and Growth Control

Confirmation of pregnancy

Using ultrasound, we can confirm the pregnancy as early as 7-10 days after the missed menstrual period. We can’t, however, see the fetus or its heartbeat until the 6th week of pregnancy. The optimal time for the first ultrasound in pregnancy is between the 7th and 9th week.
With the study »Confirmation of pregnancy, « we can determine:

If the pregnancy is located in the uterus
If the heartbeat is present
The number of fetuses (1, 2, 3)
By measuring the fetus, we can pinpoint the start of the pregnancy
Possible irregularities of the uterus or ovaries
Possible signs of an imminent abortion
Early fetal morphology and nuchal translucency scan

A detailed description can be found in the tab Nuchal Translucency.

Fetal morphology

The study is performed between the 20th and 22nd week of pregnancy. Apart from the early fetal morphology (the nuchal translucency scan), this ultrasound study uncovers the greatest number of developmental errors of the fetus. In most cases, however, we can confirm normal development.
We begin the study by finding the fetal heartbeat and assessing the location of the placenta and the volume of amniotic fluid. We continue by checking the development and growth of individual organs and organ systems of the fetus, including the umbilical cord.

Cervical length measurement

The cervix is the bottom-most part of the uterus and works to preserve the pregnancy or prevents its early termination (abortion or premature birth). Cervical length measurement can be performed from the 11th week of pregnancy onward, but we usually do it when determining fetal morphology.
A measurement of less than 25 mm means a higher chance of premature birth. If the woman is classified as high risk for giving birth prematurely due to a short cervix, we treat the pregnancy significantly differently.

Control of fetal growth

The study is advised at any time after the 24th week of pregnancy.
We analyze:
– Fetal growth: measuring the width and circumference of the head and abdomen, and the length of the femur
– Fetal development
– Conditions in the uterus: the placenta, volume of amniotic fluid, blood flow through certain vessels
– After the 30th week, we can estimate the baby’s birth weight