
Vaginal laser

Laser treatment is used to treat stress incontinence and, to some extent, mixed-type incontinence. It is also used to treat vaginal hyperlaxity syndrome, cystocele, rectocele, vaginal atrophy, and vaginal dryness.

Stress urinary incontinence and vaginal hyperlaxity are often related disorders. That is why at our center, we treat both by simply changing the laser speculum during the procedure.

Laser treatment of vaginal hyperlaxity syndrome – vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginal hyperlaxity syndrome is recognized by the patient as a change in sensation in the intimate body parts, a less intense sexual experience, or simply noticing the vagina being too wide. The most common cause is excessive distension of the vagina during childbirth, congenital weakness of the connective tissue, or the process of aging.

The latest and currently the only truly successful method of treatment for vaginal hyperlaxity syndrome is laser treatment. The method has proven to be safe, straightforward, and effective.

The laser beam works through the photothermal effect to reshape, relocate, and stimulate the growth of collagen. With that the tissue surrounding the vagina is reshaped in such a way that it narrows the vaginal lumen.

The procedure is performed in the gynecological examination chair and takes around 10 minutes. Usually, two procedures suffice. Otherwise, we complement the treatment with a third procedure.

Laser treatment of cystocele and rectocele

When vaginal weakness is caused by failure of the anterior vaginal wall, the medical term is cystocele or the descension of the bladder.

The laser procedure is similar as described above. The difference is in the laser speculum used, which is aimed at a more extensive treatment of the anterior wall of the vagina. In this case, at least three sessions are needed.

When vaginal weakness is caused by failure of the posterior vaginal wall, the medical term is rectocele or the bulging of the distal part of the bowel into the vagina. In this case, the treatment is like that in the case of the cystocele, but the treatment is focused on the posterior vaginal wall. At least three sessions are needed.

Laser treatment of stress urinary incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence is a common problem that women face. Its features include unwanted leakage of urine while walking on stairs, sneezing, coughing, running, having sexual intercourse, laughing, …

The common feature of this unwanted leakage of urine is the weakness of the closure mechanism of the urethra. It is often caused by a weakening of the muscle tone of the urethral sphincter and other muscles of the pelvic floor. Other causes include trauma during childbirth, the lack of female sex hormones, and other degenerative changes of the connective tissue.

The latest and very successful method of treatment is the use of laser technology. It is used in mild to moderate degrees of the condition. It is an effective, straightforward, and most of all, safe method.

The laser beam works through the photothermal effect to reshape, relocate, and stimulate the growth of collagen. With that, the urethra and its closure mechanism are firmly supported. This leads to the improvement of symptoms.

The procedure is performed in the gynecological examination chair and takes around 20 minutes. Usually, two procedures suffice. Otherwise, we complement the treatment with a third procedure.

Laser treatment of vaginal atrophy and dryness

Vaginal atrophy is a condition most associated with a post-menopausal lack of female sex hormones. The vaginal wall experiences a decline in blood flow which leads to vaginal dryness. The folds of the vaginal wall all but disappear. The feeling of vaginal dryness can be very unsettling during everyday activities, sitting and walking. The burning sensation can be especially unpleasant during sexual intercourse. Patients commonly avoid sex or use lubricants. Neither is a permanent solution.

Laser therapy aids in the development of new capillaries in the vaginal wall. The number of folds in the vaginal wall increases, as does blood flow and moistness – all without the use of hormonal treatment.

The procedure lasts up to 20 min. Three sessions are needed in month-long intervals. The therapy itself is not painful, and sick leave is not necessary.